Sunday, June 1, 2008

Blog # 15

Audio File:
1. This clip discusses the Hillary Clinton campaign and whether or not she is ready for presidency. The host and Pat Schroeder in the clip mention that Clinton said that this is the “highest and hardest glass ceiling” she'll be breaking through. The youtube clip that they played illustrates the sexism that Clinton faces in this election. The men in the clip say that Clinton will remind men of their wives when she speaks and that she would not be strong enough in the presidency because she cried. Schroeder explains that if Clinton speaks about the sexism she is facing she would be seen as a whiny women, but if a racism comment was made about Obama then people would speak out and it would still be okay. There is a a lot of sexism in the nation and with Clinton running for president, it is exemplified. Clinton represents all the women in every workforce that are trying to “break the highest and hardest glass ceiling.” In this election race sex has overcome the race issue by far. Many people do not see Clinton being a good president because of her sex; she is a women and emotional and therefore not equipped to handle the pressures of the White House.

2. This clip discusses the race and gender issue Clinton and Obama face in their race. Host and guest, Gloria Steinem discuss that the two issues separate the two milestones that Clinton and Obama are making. Having a black male and a white female running for the vote is huge for women and African American activists and instead of working together to make one of the elected, the media has turned them against each other. As Steinem states it is not a “either or” situation. As long as one of the two gets the nomination then American has crossed a line that has never been crossed before. The “White Male Only sign” on the White House would be taken down and opens doors for future blacks and women to join the race for presidency. This is a fact, the American people play Clinton and Obama against each other, when instead if they supported each other fairly, at least something would change in history, which is what both of them are doing. Race and gender should not be a war. It should not matter what race or what gender our president is, but since America was founded the stereotypical president has been a white male, making people believe that there is no room for anything else. This year will make history and hopefully that stereotypical mold will be broken and America can open its eyes to new possibilities.


elias said...

I am sad to say that this is the last response that I will be leaving you for this semester. I loved reading all of what you had to say because you always have such strong opinions on the issues. Before I read this blog, I knew that it would be a well written one because you have really shown me that you have great writing skills. It really made it easy for me to respond to many of your blogs because you always made it so clear to understand, unlike some other blogs in the class (I am not going to name any names and someone reading this hates me right now). You made a lot of good points in this blog. Hillary Clinton is a women who is seen as being representative of all women in the world who are looking to make something of themselves. It is a shame to see people out their that judge these women because they are sexist and believe that woman are incapable of doing anything. Stereotypes is something that will always exist in society and citizens of this nation will always be victimized because of these stereotypes. The only way that we could change these stereotypes is to teach future generations that everyone is the same and that it is who they are in the inside that counts, and not what they are.

Thanks for all the responses that you have left me this semester, I really enjoyed reading what you had to say. Thanks for keeping me company in the class and I know that I would not have enjoyed it as much if you were not in it. I know that you will have a great future ahead of you because you have really proven to me over the years that you are a very determined and intelligent individual who is capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind and heart to.

anahit said...

R # 2, Anahit
After reading your response # 1 to Tyler’s Blog I completely forgot about our analysis. I really get surprised from your point of view how was it limited and personalized. First of all everyone has his or her personal opinion and a way of constructing them. If you didn’t like thoughts of our classmates doesn’t mean that they are bad writers or thinkers. You can be disagree and express your opposite opinion and use your way of analysis and noting more. Even you in your last blog wrote about being unionized. I can realize now why it is difficult to chose between sex and race instead of looking at Hilary and Obama as presidential candidates, because we are didn’t learned yet how to respect other’s opinion and break the barriers of personalization without considering color and gender.

elias said...

well anahit, It was not the opinions that mattered to me because I am an open minded person that respects everyones opinion. If you read my response 1 more carefully, you would have realized that it was the clarity of other's blogs that I did not understand because of their use of words which made me less interested and not their different views of opinions. For example, it was difficult for me to read your response when you said, "because we are didn't learned." The usage of words sometimes confuses me. I never judged anyone on being a bad thinker.
Thank you for your response to my response one and good luck on your final next week.

annieg123 said...

Annies Response #2 to Elias:

Yes, Tyler good job on answering your questions. I enjoyed reading your evaluation on the audio. Elias, I like how you pointed out the countries stereotypic acts. People in this country still have trouble coming to an understanding than women would be able to accomplish a “man’s job”. A few Blogs ago, we were asked question to , “Are woman in this country still being discriminated against the gender?” Well, after hearing these audios and reading responses were able to see that yes, they are still being discriminated, this a really sad but true. Good job on pointing out how stereotyping is so dangerous for the countries well being. Good job ! -Annie